Olympist celebrated by weirdo faction

Olympic gymnast recieves a warm welcome from fellow transvestites
By Charles Shaft
Associated Press

(Philladelphia, Penn)
The American olympist Raul Martin who rose to prominence by training with the chinese gymanstic team and was later forced to participate in female competition due to a condition known as congenital micropenis, was celebrated in Pennsylvania on his return by a mixed crowd of transvetites and pedophils. In honor of his return from the Sydney olympics, a parade was held featuring army men, miniture ponys and a monkey on a bike per the request of Raul. "I had always dreamed of the perfect parade and finally my dream came true," he said. "I really didn't want to do it but my agent kept getting them to sweetin the pot. When they finally showed me a picture of a hotty named RuPaul and said I could make out with her afterwards, it was a done deal."

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