Imposter spy infiltrates boy band

Imposter(center) surrounded by Nsync members
By Charles Shaft
Associated Press

(Tucson, Az)
The CIA reported this week that Justin Timberlake of Nsync had been replaced by an imposter since January. Federal investigators stated that their experts had detected some anomalies in the boy band singer since their performance during the superbowl. Robert Roy, chief of the CIA celebrity imposter division, announced at a press conference that the infamous spy Guido had been identified as the culprit but that no arrests had been made as of press time. "We are uncertain of Justin's location or well-being, we can only pray to God that he is unharmed," he said. The CIA experts detected subtle changes in the singer such as an enlarged abdomen, grotesque facial changes and a marked decline in his singing abiltiy which lead to the discovery. Band member "Joey" stated that he and the other guys knew something was up when Justin showed up one day 100 pounds overweight and smelling of cabbage. "We thought maybe he (Justin) had gotten out of control at Oktoberfest or something but when he started wearing a speedo and coming on to "JC", we knew something weird was going down." The band released a statement that they were too upset to continue and would cancel one show while they auditioned for a new singer.

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