Leader of Clowncekostan vows to assist US in fight against terrorism

Bozoski and a general prepare for war
By Charles Shaft
Associated Press

Rudolph Bozoski, charasmatic leader of the Republic of Clowncekostan a former providence of the Russian empire, declared his nations full support of the United States war agains Terrorism. The leader pleaged ground troops and monetary support to the effort. In a speech outside the capital of Jacksuxalot, Bozoski passionately spoke to the media. "I know we are but a small country with little IQs and even smaller genitalia, but we loathe terrorists and today declare war with America against it," he said. "Once when I was child, a bully made fun of my red hair. He said 'clown face, I kick you ass now.' Even though I was smaller then bully and I didn't know he had a knife, I chose that day not to take crap from no one. Two months later, when I got out of hospital, I got into politics and the rest is history." Vowing to supply America with ground troops, the leader stated after taking a shot of vodka that he knew the US didn't need his help but that it was good PR. "We send in a few troops and the US is friend for life," said the leader.

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