Women march in Washington for women's right of choice

Arrica poses in her feminist attire
By Charles Shaft
Associated Press

(Washington, D.C.)
Thousands of Abortion rights activists participated in the March for Women's Lives in Washington, DC this past weekend. Activists converged on the US capital in a show of force designed to stave off any election-year assault on women's right to choose. Arrica stevenson, a charter member of the March for Women's Lives movement in her hometown of Omaha, Nebraska says she doesn't think anyone has the right to make choices for her. "A women's choice should be her own," she stated. "Every day i make choices and i don't need any man or any government telling me what's what." Since becoming a feminist at the age of 13 after getting teased about having facial hair, Arrica has refused to shave any hair off her body. "I am proud that i have more facial hair then most pubescent boys. And my legs, don't get me started, they look hairier then a Yak's ass."

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